The Heroes descend into and underground compound, where they find several prisoners beign tortured, and traces of dark magic. It seems that the dark cultists stationed here are planning to resurrect an evil god.
After facing more guards, and being tested by devious traps, the Heroes reach an hall where several acolytes, protected by guards, are chanting at the feet of the huge statue of a demon. In the same room, the wife and daughter of the mayor of Sleepy Rock are kept prisoner.
The Heroes fight their way through the cultists, when suddenly the statue begins to come to life! But it seems something went wrong with the ritual, since the stony demon soon crumbles to dust.
As the Heroes try to escape the compound, they're stopped by a powerful warrior, probably in charge of the defenses of the place. He's adept at many taos, and fatally injures all Heroes except Tang, who is allowed to recover his friends and the two women, and leave to safety.
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